Saar's Marketplace - Lakewood

They are located at: 10223 Gravelly Lake Drive Sw in Lakewood, Washington (98499). Their profile includes contact information, their phone number, address, driving directions, ratings and reviews, and more.

Driving Directions
Saar's Marketplace
10223 Gravelly Lake Drive Sw
Lakewood, Washington 98499
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Phone Number: 253-581-7181
Saar's Marketplace Location
Saar's Marketplace Location

Lakewood Saar's Marketplace Reviews

Saar's Marketplace Reviews and Ratings
Average Rating

0 out of 5 stars from reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating
28504846-Saar's Marketplace


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Grocery Stores in Lakewood
The following Lakewood Grocery Stores are also available:
10006 South Tacoma Way
Boo Han Oriental Food Sprmkt
9122 South Tacoma Way
Country Junction
8420 Phillips Road Sw # 32
El Mercado Latino
10816 Pacific Highway Sw
Fiaola Specialty Sales
11620 Pacific Highway Sw
Friendly Food Mart
9312 South Tacoma Way # 160
Grocery Outlet
11011 Pacific Highway Sw
Heborin Enterprises
10816 Pacific Highway Sw
In & Out Grocery
12336 Pacific Highway Sw
Jabe Grocery Store
11002 Pacific Highway Sw
Jonnys Market
3851 Steilacoom Boulevard Sw
Lake City Deli Markets
9121 Veterans Drive Sw